For a houndred and fifty years now, the sweeatest craft of making cakes, ice creams and other sweets has been carried on from generation to generation in our family. In the year 1854 our grandfathers, Vasilije and Nikola founded a sweet shop. Production of ... Vasilije brougth to Vrsac in 1860. House specialty were honey sticks, candies, sugar coated fruits, ice cream and lemonade. We were also making baklave, tulumbe ect. Until The World War II, the family sweetshop made their products at home workshop, and sold them at the town marketplace. Our sweets were distributed to surrounding villages as well. Today, we are trying to keep our quality using the modern tehnology. In a small, six-table room, You will be greeated by very kind and smiling personel. We have allways tried to keep good customer relations and have never changed our open-time, from 9am to 9pm. You cannot imagine an ice cream without eggs, milk, cream... Every confectioner has his own recepies for ice creams, and so do we. It is a very well kept secret because we respect our grandfathers and are not afraid of competition. As a house speciality we can recomend grape and wine ice cream, as well as fruit cup, ice coffee, bananna split, fruit ice creams.

Monday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Tuesday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Friday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 - 22:00 |
Sunday | We are closed |