- Rheumatology
- Orthopedics
- Physical medicine
- Neurology
- Corrective exercises
- Medical massage
Rheumatic diseases today are most commonly represented in Serbia.
Often they lead to disability.
In order to stop the disease and prevent the joint damage in patients, it is important to detect the problem and treat it on time.
At our “Rheuma Center” we perform early diagnosis and therapy for:
- Degenerative rheumatism (arthrosis)
- Inflammation rheumatism (arthritis)
- Non-joint rheumatism
- Osteoporosis
- Gout
For detailed examinations, setting the proper diagnosis and starting adequate therapy, our patients can use the services of our sub-specialist rheumatologists.
At “Reuma Center” we nurture a tradition dating back since 2011 when it comes to treating deformations, injuries of the bone, muscle and joint system. Our experienced orthopedics provide the following services:
- Specialized examinations
- Conservative treatment for joints, bones and muscles
- Repositioning joints
- Administering shots intra and periarticularly
- Puncturing joints
- Administering corticosteroids, so-called ‘blockers’
- Treating surface wounds
- Immobilization
- Per request we offer medical testimonies
Physical therapy and rehabilitation is the first aid for patients without any harmful pain-reduction effects, function renewal and quality improvement.
We apply it for rheumatologic, neurological, traumatic, orthopedic and neurosurgical diseases and conditions.
The methods we use include:
- Physical therapy (ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, kinetic therapy)
- Electrotherapy (interference current, duodynamic current, galvanic current, TENS and others)
- Physical therapy (individual exercises, TENS, medical massage, rehabilitation after insult – CVI)
- Sports rehabilitation (rehabilitation of acute injuries, post-operative rehabilitation, physical therapy estimations)
- Relax program (anti-cellulite program, medical massage)
- Corrective exercises (exercises for the spine, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, tortikolis, foot deformities)
The base of every successful treatment is a neurological examination, after which we reach a decision on further diagnostics and treatment. At our institution, renown experts in the field perform these examinations.
The most common neurological examinations we offer include:
- Painful conditions of the neck and lower back
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Muscle weakness
- Unstable walking
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Epilepsy
- Ischemic brain disease
- Neuralgia of the trigenminal nerve
- Facialis paresis
- Diabetic and other neuropathy
Diagnostics, laboratory processing, medication therapy, physical therapy, osteoporosis exercises and education.
Center for osteoporosis is a modern and well-organized institution for this disease.
Our team of experts and modern equipment enable us to swiftly diagnose and successfully treat our patients.
At rheumatology center we perform diagnosis on our DXA machine for measuring bone density.
We usually scan the lumbal spine and hip.
The method itself is pain-free, non-invasive and easy to perform without any needed preparation.
The point is that the lower bone density should be discovered as early as possible in order to provide the most effective treatment.
LABORATORY PROCESSING for the patients is done before the therapy. We do bone ALP, total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus in 24h urine as well as parathormon bone markers, pcytocalcine and β crosslaps
- Medicaments (biphosphonates)
- Supplements (calcium, vitamin D, proteins)
- Educating patients (changing their lifestyle in terms of activities, nutrition and habits)

Monday | 08:00 - 19:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 19:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 19:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 19:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 19:00 |
Saturday | 08:00 - 15:00 |
Sunday | We are closed |